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BlockOut Millennium for iPhone, iPad, iPod in April 2013 on the Apple AppStore

Block Out Millennium is one of the best puzzle games that you could have the opportunity to play. It has a great gameplay and it has unique features that make it stand out of the row of classic games and sequels with the similar gameplay. 

Block Out Millennium allows you to play from a top down view of the three dimensional pit in which the blocks fall. Your speed can be adjusted whenever you want so you will have all the time in the world to study the next piece that goes down. You can choose between pits with different sizes. 
You even can get the full 3D view of the game scene by simply rotating your device. 
The game has very simple and intuitive touch control - no ugly buttons and joistics.

blockout millennium ios ipad blockout millennium ios ipad

BlockOut millennium edition v.1.96.

Last changes: 
 1.  Web Update options lets you easy download new version.
 2.  Automatically save Setup preferences.
 3.  Sound On/Off option added.
 4.  Improved game play.


BlockOut millennium edition v.1.95.

Last changes: New file package.

You may send me your results.dat by e-mail  for publish on this web.


BlockOut millennium edition v.1.94.

Last changes:
 1. "Access violation error at ..." on computer without 3D acceleration  fixed.
 2. First sound scheme added
To do in next versions
 1. Set Custom and Extended block sets.
 2. Add more sound shemes.
 3. Web 'High Score table'.  


BlockOut millennium edition v.1.93.

Last changes:
 1. Local 'High Score table' done.  You may send me your results.dat by
    for publish it on the web page.


BlockOut millennium edition v.1.91.

Last changes:
 1. Error after exit program fixed
 2. Color manager of cubes added.


 BlockOut millennium edition v.1.90

To do in next versions:
 1. Fix 'OnExit' Error on some PC.
 2. Local 'High Score table'.
 3. Set Custom and Extended block sets.
 4. Add sounds.
 5. Web 'High Score table'. 
 6. Write me what do you want to see! 

 Image Processing:

Patrick Quinn sent me his version of convolution operation with TBitmap32. He wrote : " I use PixelPtr rather than scanline, gives a slight increase (12%) in speed. I have added an array of array of constants for the different filters, makes programming easier. Additional filters from Ender Wiggin's excellent article, 'Elementary Digital Filtering'."  

Also I add new not convolution Kuwahara filter.

So you can download new


UnTitledRTS - Magic War may be will be back! - here you can find full  pack with source , all graphics, sounds and  map tiles - all in one zip archive.


I had  finish  game "Vovochka"  - the arcade for adult gamer with real video.  Level 1 is  free  for downloading  and testing. Game written on Delphi5 with UnDelphiX and use sprite engine from UnTitledRTS.



  Convolution Filters 3x3 ; 5x5 for Graphics32 and
GDISprite.pas  - Sprite Engine for FastLib
 added to


Samples opened:
   Image Processing: Convolution Filters 3x3 ; 5x5
   Image Processing: new DIB effects for DelphiX


 Tile based map. Part1.  new, more complete corrected  RUSSIAN version.

 Tile based map. Part2.   RUSSIAN version.

 Tile based map. Part1.  new, more complete corrected ENGLISH version.
( machine translated from Russian)

 Tile based map. Part2. ENGLISH  version.
( machine translated from Russian)

UnTitledRTS 17.04.2001

1. TDXWEdit and new TDXWListBox and TDXWScroll are ready to use.

2. Multiplayer game is on progress and you can test IPX connection, but without any action in the game yet ( sessions only ).

3.  Visual Scene Editor is starting.

4. Added new graphics for Buttons and ScrollBox.

UnTitledRTS 08.04.2001

1. Game scene now is an object abstraction:

unit DXWSceneUnit;
TScene = class(Tobject)

So game scene object can be created via class reference.( not from current source  yet )

2. TScene can work with new static object defining in DXWStatObj.pas:

TDXWObject = class
TDXWObjectList = class(TObjectList)
TDXWImageObject = class (TDXWObject)
TDXWLabel = class (TDXWObject)
TDXWEdit = class (TDXWImageObject)
TDXWButton = class (TDXWImageObject)
TDXWPanel = class (TDXWImageObject)

TDXWListBox;TDXWCheckListBox;TDXWMemo and TDXWScrollBar will coming soon. Also I am going to write Visual Scene Editor and make support scene object information loading from file, like *.dfm. If anybody wish to help writing ones , please mail me for coordinate efforts.

3. Multi Player Game support starting.

4. Added new graphics for Buttons, Edit and Panel.

UnTitledRTS 02.04.2001

Project tested with UnDelphiX and it is 100% working without any changes in code - only in USES section. So from this time project will based on UnDelphiX.

DXSprite.pas was changed  to make property SurfaceRect accessible from outside of the unit.

Also from this time source code initially  is in window mode.

Z-profiler will be used for measure code efficiency.

UnTitledRTS 28.01.2001

Mini map added to navigation window. See new source pack.

You can always mail me at:

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